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Spring in Me

I asked God to show me how He is redeeming me. I wanted to see glimpses of how He is turning my ashes into beauty. And…

HDR debug info : SBAR:0.4 WHAR:0.0 BAR:2.2 WBR:19.1 WDR:0.1 CB:0 CR:0.0 U:0 UW:0 US:0 LIF:0.0 OCD:0 EXT:0.0 UGN:0.0 AIScene(20) WDR(0,0)SV(0)SGL(277)HGL(279)SGLPU(0)SGLAY(0)AY(137)

He Knew, But Still

The moon escapes behind a forest of clouds, not daring to intrude on the scene in the garden where the Son kneels in deepening shades. Life…

Make Me a Servant

Lord, make me a servant, do what You must do To make me a servant, please make me like You. Lord, empty my spirit of all…

HDR debug info : SBAR:0.4 WHAR:0.2 BAR:0.6 WBR:61.9 WDR:0.0 CB:0 CR:0.1 U:0 UW:0 US:0 LIF:0.0 OCD:0 EXT:0.0 UGN:0.0 AIScene(30) WDR(0,0)SV(3)SGL(0)HGL(0)SGLPU(0)SGLAY(0)AY(112)

Floury Galaxies

God spoke. The galaxies, Like flour flicked from His hand, Adorn the space of indigo And glow. -Rynelle Penner Yes, it’s short. Read it again. One…


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Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8